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What is Recipe Crafting and why was it introduced on UO White Wolf ?

Well, the principle may sound hars in comparison to what we use to know on Ultima Online normally. The main objectives are to reward dedicated crafters and encourage socialization between fighters and crafters.

At first, as a crafter, you will start with very few items you can craft. Just the basic ones. Also, you will not be able to use colored ores to craft items.

Every other recipes need to be found and used before you can craft those items.

There are two types of recipes :

  • Resource Recipes : they will give you access to a new type of colored resource.
  • Crafting Recipes : they will allow you to craft new items.

To find new recipes, there are several ways :

  • Doing BODs
  • Killing monsters
  • Purchasing them from other players

That system was introduced with OWLTR, Ores Woods Leathers Tokens Recipes. This system exists on UO Shards for a long time. It was also a part of Legends of Aria. Recipes are a sort of rewards for crafters to allow them to craft better and better items.

With the upgrade to our Shard, recipe crafting has a very important role. Resources play a very important role, giving extra bonuses, competing with best items you can find as loot or from our vendor stones.

If you are wondering which recipes you still need to seek, try [missingrecipes command.
